Bored and Tired...that's how I feel at the moment...I try to start writing up my two courseworks; first is for the lab report (Clinical Measurement subject) and second one is about critical review regarding two journal papers (Research & Methodology Techniques). I really struggling when it comes on writing academic reports as compare when writing an entry for my blog!..huhu...How I truly wish if I can write those academic reports just as smooth as I'm writing this entry!
I feel tired tonight because this morning I went to two places. First, I took a walk to Commercial Road to book an appointment for General Practitioner or we call it GP (at last! After being here for almost 6 months! are really a couch potato!). And guess what, the only available slot for me is next month, 28th of March 2008, at quarter past 2 and what make it worst is that, I forget that I actually have an Ultrasound & Imaging lab at that time! Owh, what a crap!!!! So, I need to go back there and change the appointment but definitely not tomorrow as I have a full day class!
Then, I went to the eye practitioner shop near to my university campus since I intend to wear a contact lens. Unfortunately, she didn't offer a contact lens service; instead, she recommended another optician shop which was located in Bethnel Green. So, I took a bus to go there (Bus No. 309) and got-off from it at the last station. Once again, I had to walk and walk and walk until finally, I found the shop. So, I walked-in and thank god, the receptionist lady was very helpful and explained bit by bit about the whole process of getting the contact lens. So, the process listed down here are the prices that the lady had quoted for me. It's just for your general info. But really, it is not like in Malaysia where you can easily get, buy and wear it !!! (sigh)
As soon as I came back to my room (Room Sweet Room..hehe), I found out that it was really messy with the notes and clothes all over the place. Therefore, I decided to do a lil bit changes on it..As a result, here is what she looks like now...So, this is my room which I have to pay 75GBP per week...and I know, it's not as big as my other friends' room who live outside London...Otherwise, what do you expect? This is LONDON guys, everything is expensive especially the room or house rent !!! I am not affordable to get a spacious and beautiful room though how I sincerely wish to get one! Phewww, only in my dreams!!!
February 26, 2008 at 10:13 AM
leceh nak mati prosedur nak pakai lense! huuu..
aku skang tgk stop pkai lense sbb aku nye silau tinggi, so payah sket nak pakai lense..
terpakse laa jd cam zmn kanak2 dulu, berspecky semula!
babe, gi paris eh? beli ape?
letak aa shoutout box..
senang sket aku nak jerit2 kat situ!