This entry is dedicated to Angah, one of my old schoolmate friends back then in 90s (1990-1995)! Well, I don't know how far this will help you because I already use the New Yahoo Mail for quite a long time (since last year), and so far, it doesn't really bring any hassle for me if I want to interchange the mail classic to beta version and vice versa. So, what you can do now is that, try to follow the steps below (Click On the Image For A Better View). It will not take so much time to complete all procedures.
After you logging in, you may see the box that gives you an option to switch to new yahoo mail. Click that box. [ Incidentally,for yahoo mail users who never switch into the new yahoo mail version, there will be a case where your yahoo mail account prompts a window or a statement asks if you like to switch it to the new yahoo mail version (once you log in). So, in that case, you just need to click that new yahoo mail option. ]
Once you click, you will be redirected to a new yahoo mail account which is also known as beta version.(Look at the top arrow). That arrow shows your current status; exactly like in YM where you can change the mode; online, offline, invisible and etc. Default mode is offline, so you need to change it to online or invisible mode. Only by doing this you will be able to see who's online and who's not. Your online friends will be automatic loaded according to your available contacts friends (lower arrow).
You are free to switch it back to the old one at any time in future...=D
Nevertheless, chatting via Yahoo email is really not a favourable one. Sometimes, it's just get stuck, or your friend's message will not appear on your screen for unknown reasons. It's like "missing in action"...however, it could be a useful one rather than have nothing! Aite? =)
On the other hand, there are also other solutions that you could use to replace the YM. I don't know whether you have heard about them; meebo or ebuddy (also formerly known as e-messenger); just to name a few. They are among popular web messengers that let you access to any kind of instant messaging platforms such as YM, Google Talk and etc.
You can access these two user friendly web messengers via the links as follow:
Meebo =
E-messenger or ebuddy = or
Okie dokie! Hopefully, these info. will probably help you in anyway. The most important thing is that, even though the IT admin blocks all those chatting as well as the network community (frenster, myspace, facebook and etc) services, you can still enjoy a very cosy chat with your friends all over the world!!! Good Luck and Have fun ya Angah! (^_^)
P/S: I prefer to use the meebo rather than ebuddy but you can try to open both and experience them by yourself and let your heart decides which one you prefer most! I used meebo service back then when I worked in UTHM. As usual, most of the univs in Malaysia will block those friendster, myspace, mirc; any kind of things related with that!
Quite frustrated right?; since we gain a full 24-7 access of the internet but for some reasons, we can't use those applications (Aarrrggghhhhh)!!! But thank god, there will always be other solutions for that! YeaY !!! =D. Lastly, Don't forget to mention my name in your blog once you manage to chat with your friends later on! MuahahahahA =D
February 27, 2008 at 5:45 AM
THANKS a lot dear for ur explanation bout ym beta..
aku begitu menghargainya!
huuuu..aku da berjaya chat di opis!!
wahahaha...(ketawa suke gille nih)
and THANKS a lot gak sbb mendedicate kan entry nih khas utk aku!!! ;p
tapi, meebo n ebuddy tu aku mmg dah try, mmg takleh bukak aa kat msu nih! bengong!
nasib bleh gune email!
thanks dear... =)
bebile leh chat ngn ko!