That doesn't work for me now when making any critical decisions. Haha. Dulu2 time kecil2, klu tak main O-zoom, kene Lat Ta Li Lat laa jwbnya..tgok sapa yg kenaaaa...(^_^)..Zaman tu dah lama berlalu,zmn kanak2 yg xlah berapa nak indah tapi bermakna utk diingati...h0h0!
Anyway, it was decided that we will gonna celebrate the first Hari Raya in my husband's family house. Okay, I know I'm gonna miss the syahdu moment with my parents but thinking that I can spend the rest of the Hari Raya days with them, so why not celebrate it first in my hubby's family house?! At least, this time I am in Malaysia not like last year. Have to suffer the first day of Hari Raya in class...Sob sob sob...Very Pathetic, innit?
Yesterday, I chatted with Syarfa about Baju Kurung to be worn during Hari Raya. Speaking about Baju Kurung, I'm thinking to buy online from any online haberdashers but is it worth to do so? never try before. I found one: but it seems like there's no size for me...i'm a petite girl and therefore, size S or SS or 36 usually works best for me but the smallest size available there is 38! huhu. Hopefully, I will have enuff time to do the shopping once I return to Msia!

I just checked the UTHM email, and booked the Angpow Sampul designed by the...errr not sure, maybe the UTHM staff. Anyway, i booked for 40 pieces, rm2.50/10 pieces, very affordable price, isn't it?