What's more exciting and enjoying event after 5 years(1 year matrix+4years study in univ) struggling with the books, assignments and stay up every night? It's the C O N V O C A T I O N day! Years of hard work have paid-off and it's your time to enjoy the moment with them who have been and always be your main backbone of success; your parents!
So, millions of congrats to my dearly second sis, Siti Jalia or Kak Tie! I can only share this happy moment and cheer you from here! My sis already started her work as an Optometrist at Hanizah's Optometrist in Negeri Sembilan early June this year. And the company really pays her off handsomely! Just imagine, your job is only waiting for the customers to come in to the shop and every month, the RM2500 will be banked in to your account! A GOOD starting salary, isn't it? Optometrist is one of the professional jobs where the percentage of Malays and Bumiputeras involved are low as compare with the Chinese race. The disparity, I think, is mainly due to the lack of early-exposure to the children and teenagers. In my time, professions such as doctors, engineers and lawyers; these three jobs were being as the main discussion among my aunties and uncles and therefore they made other professions became unpopular!!!Nevertheless, among four of us, Kak Tie is the only one who ends up in the Health stream. The rest are in Engineering field.
As for my parents, their financial burden has been lifted up a bit. Alhamdulillah! I can feel how they feel right now! A bit relief and that's what we want them to feel! It's our turn now to pay-off what they have sacrificed though we know that the cost is priceless! 1 year more to wait before my 3rd sis will have her convo day and the following year will be my youngest sis's day! May Allah rewards our parents for their unstoppable efforts in bringing us up to be as a good and reliable human being! InsyaAllah!
Sis, good luck in your new career and new life!!! Be good to your customers okay!