I guess both of them were wearing the new glasses! Wot a joy! My sis did all the eye tests, cut the lens and pick the right frames for them. And it's all FOC of course! We owe them a loads so now we try to pay them bit by bit though we know that we totally can't! Mak looks totally awesome in her new glasses! And abah as well! I really miss both of them...sob3 =(
with out me in =(. Jumadi&Sesah's daughters were all good n smiling!
1000s of hardships along the way have been paid off when seeing their own flesh wearing the convo cloak. Alhamdulillah.
p/s: if u got wot i meant..
We changed the plan, I meant, I changed the plan..We were heading to one day sight-seeing trip instead of 2 hours stadium tour! I'll update later, too tired to think and talk...AND write huhu....more pictures can be retrieved at my frenster account.
We were in Stonehenge today, 20Aug08! Celebrating my hubby's burfdey!
The Roman Bath
The 'Match'..hehe

Next Wed will be the day! I already gave him an advance birthday present, a pair of KAPPA shoes. He seems to like it as he wears it everyday he goes to work.(^_^).
Nevertheless, I'm thinking to bring him to Stamford Bridge and spend an hour or two for the Chelsea Stadium Tour. Speaking about the tour ticket, I just checked the price; it says 15GBP per person! 2 heads will be 30GBP. Quite expensive, innit?! Mind you, thinking it as a one life investment, I just have a go for it!(^_^).
Nothing much I can say bout Chelsea or famously known as The Blues as I'm not really into this football thing except for this fact: My hubby is really a big fan of The Blues club !!! *sigh*.

Ya Allah, beriknlah aku kekuatan dan kerajinan di dlm menyiapkan dissertation ku ini....
Ada dua perkara yang perlu kita amati:
Pertama: amati sifat-sifat khasnya masing-masing. Tidak ada dua manusia yang sama serupa seluruhnya. Tiap manusia unik. Fahami keunikan masing-masing, dan hormati keunikan pemberian Allah SWT.
Kedua: fahami di tahap apa saat ini si anak berada. Allah SWT mengkodratkan segala sesuatu sesuai tahapan atau prosesnya.
Anak-anak yang merupakan amanah pada kita ini, juga dibesarkan dengan tahapan-tahapan.
Tahap sebelum kelahirannya merupakan alam arwah. Di tahap ini kita mulai mendidiknya dengan kita sendiri menjalankan ibadah, amal ketaatan pada Allah dan juga dengan selalu menjaga hati dan badan kita secara prima. Itulah kebaikan-kebaikan dan pendidikan pertama kita pada buah hati kita.
Pendidikan anak dalam Islam, menurut Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Thalib ra, dapat dibahagi menjadi 3 tahap mengikut umur;
1. Tahap BERMAIN (“la-ibuhum”/ajaklah mereka bermain), dari lahir sampai kira-kira 7 tahun.
2. Tahap PENANAMAN DISIPLIN (“addibuhum”/ajarilah mereka adab) dari kira-kira 7 tahun sampai 14 tahun.
3. Tahap SAHABAT/ LAWAN (“roofiquhum”/ jadikanlah mereka sebagai sahabat) 14 tahun ke atas.
Ketiga tahap pendidikan ini mempunyai karakteristik pendekatan yang berbeza sesuai dengan perkembangan kepribadian anak yang sehat. Begitulah kita coba memperlakukan mereka sesuai dengan sifat-sifatnya dan tahapan hidupnya.
Ketiga adalah memilih metod pendidikan. Setidaknya, dalam buku dua pemikir Islam, yaitu Muhammad Quthb (Manhaj Tarbiyah Islamiyah) dan Abdullah Nasih ’Ulwan (Tarbiyatul Aulad fil Islam), ada lima Metod Pendidikan dalam Islam.
Yang pertama adalah melalui Tauladan atau Qudwah
yang kedua adalah dengan Pembiasaan atau Aadah,
yang ketiga adalah melalui Pemberian Nasihat atau Mau’izhoh,
yang keempat dengan melaksanakan Mekanisme Kontrol atau Mulahazhoh,
sedangkan yang terakhir dan merupakan pengaman hasil pendidikan adalah Metod Pendidikan melalui Sistem sangsi atau Uqubah.
Sahabatku, jangan tinggalkan satu-pun dari ke lima metod tersebut, meskipun yang terpenting adalah Tauladan (sebagai metod yang paling efektif).
source: http://www.eramusli m.com/atk/ btm/8810164842- lima-poin- pendidikan- anak-dalam- islam.htm and Islamic e-book group
Taste Asia Festival
We had joined the TasteAsia festival last weekend as volunteers. It was a 2-day event and we being paid 80GBP per head for the 2 days contribution. In addition to that, a certificate of appreciation will be given as well. This time round, the organiser had chose the Melbourne Field as the venue of event. So, we heard loads of complaint from the visitors as well as from the participants regarding the place since it is quite difficult to get there and that's also one of the reasons why there were not so many people went to the festival.
The Downsides
I don't know what were the festival's objectives that had been set out by the organiser. However, in my point of view, if the main goal is to introduce the culture and food from various countries in Asia especially from Malaysia, Indonesia as well as Philippines to the local people here, then I dare to say that they have failed to achieve that. The festival itself failed to attract the local people to come n 'taste' the meaning of 'truly Asia'. Like I said earlier, the location of the event wasn't suitable, it should be held in the town centre; but I believe that, the organiser must have aware of this issue beforehand. Probably there was a problem to get an approval from the local borough to realise the festival in the town centre, I'm not sure, I'm just speculating.
Another downside of the event was the shortage of volunteers. Guess just how many of us who were wearing that yellow vest? 3 only! Me, my hubby and Thiru. But we really didn't want to look so pathetic so we just focused on doing our jobs! It was raining then in the afternoon and I was shivering as the wind was quite strong (I also didn't bring my jacket!) And the next morning, only my hubby went to the festival since I got a fever that morning.
You guys curious to noe what kind of duties that we, as volunteers, need to do?
Saturday - 10.30am – 6pm
1. Man the organisor/info tent
2. Direct car/visitors
3. Litter picking
4. Clean washrooms/ensure toilet rolls supply
5. Any other general help required (if any)
Sunday - 10.30am to 7pm
1. Man the organisor/info tent
2. Direct car/visitors
3. Litter picking
4. Clean washrooms/ensure toilet rolls supply
5. Dismantle marquee and clear up
6. Any other general help required (if any)
Lessons Learnt!
Apart from the downsides, there were loads of things that we both learn after experiencing this volunteer job. Let me ask you a few simple questions.
1. Do you mind to sweep the floor in front of other people who have bad mouth and say nasty thing to you or looking at you with a disgusting feeling? How's your reaction will be?
2. Do you mind if someone asks you to do this and that eventhough you are not have a heart at all to do those things? Moreover, the person who orders you are the one that you hate to talk or see for example; your own boss?
If you guys answer similar to this: "I don't mind", then I must say that you are really professional dude!hehehe.
For each question that I asked, there is a logic and spiritual connection between them. You see, we both find that there were some people who treated us kindly, more humanly but there were also some people who bad mouth us just because we pick the litters around the field! The worst was those people were MALAYS! It really hurts my feeling to see this kind of people really exist among MALAYS who are known for the politeness and soft-spoken attributes! I do think that some people will not change though they are thousand miles away from the home-country! Don't be surprised that the local people show more respect on us! At least they say thank you when they put their rubbish inside our bin bag! Yeah, we do understand that it's our job then but is it so hard to open your mouth to say thank you or even try to give a beautiful smile to us?!
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: ‘Your smile for your brother is Sadaqah. Your removal of stones, thorns or bones from the paths of people is Sadaqah. Your guidance of a person who is lost is Sadaqah.’ (Bukhari).Unfortunately, this is rarely being practise nowadays...I am really feel disappointed to see this kind of scenario happened especially when I am here..=(
Next lesson is regarding the cleanliness of heart. Please do not speculate anything in your guys mind after you read the next following sentence. I don't like English people. BUT that doesn't mean I hate them. It's just that I found these people are quite cunning! If you read Malaysia's history(during the kesultanan melayu in 19th century), you will know what I meant! So when my volunteer's supervisor, Al****, asked us to take the bins and place them around the field, I felt so annoyed with her! It was just flash my memory back to the Kesultanan Melayu period, where these people became as the Penasihat to the sultan! I just hate this feeling; being as the subordinate to these people who had ruled Tanah Melayu for many2 years before the independence day! And I put the blame on them as well for separating the 3 main races(Malay, Chinese and Indian) economically and socially where in the end, after nearly 51 years we are independent from the Union Jack, we still couldn't break the racism wall!!!!Damn! Nevertheless, I tried to relax my mind and istighfar so that this kind of hatred will go away so that I can focus to my duty and Alhamdulillah, it worked.
Despite those experiences, we get to know many people for instance; I manage to make new friends; Kak Salmi and Acik Mah, both serve as officers in MARA office in Queensway (but Acik Mah already retired) and the best thing is, my hubby manage to land a job with Puji-Puji Restaurant. He previously had a job with one company but the job is quite tiring. Other than that, it helps to improve our communication skills with all level of people and boost up more confidence in public relationship! Being a volunteer really train us to be patient!
Moral of the story: Put a smile in your face and have a respect to everyone near you cause even though she is only a maid but she is also a human being!
What's more exciting and enjoying event after 5 years(1 year matrix+4years study in univ) struggling with the books, assignments and stay up every night? It's the C O N V O C A T I O N day! Years of hard work have paid-off and it's your time to enjoy the moment with them who have been and always be your main backbone of success; your parents!
So, millions of congrats to my dearly second sis, Siti Jalia or Kak Tie! I can only share this happy moment and cheer you from here! My sis already started her work as an Optometrist at Hanizah's Optometrist in Negeri Sembilan early June this year. And the company really pays her off handsomely! Just imagine, your job is only waiting for the customers to come in to the shop and every month, the RM2500 will be banked in to your account! A GOOD starting salary, isn't it? Optometrist is one of the professional jobs where the percentage of Malays and Bumiputeras involved are low as compare with the Chinese race. The disparity, I think, is mainly due to the lack of early-exposure to the children and teenagers. In my time, professions such as doctors, engineers and lawyers; these three jobs were being as the main discussion among my aunties and uncles and therefore they made other professions became unpopular!!!Nevertheless, among four of us, Kak Tie is the only one who ends up in the Health stream. The rest are in Engineering field.
As for my parents, their financial burden has been lifted up a bit. Alhamdulillah! I can feel how they feel right now! A bit relief and that's what we want them to feel! It's our turn now to pay-off what they have sacrificed though we know that the cost is priceless! 1 year more to wait before my 3rd sis will have her convo day and the following year will be my youngest sis's day! May Allah rewards our parents for their unstoppable efforts in bringing us up to be as a good and reliable human being! InsyaAllah!
Sis, good luck in your new career and new life!!! Be good to your customers okay!