
I need money..more money...Everyone loves money!BUT..Better be "wassatiyah"! The best option ever!*At outside of Harrods building..

Bizi..enuff said!After handed in two assignments y'dey,felt a lil bit relieved! 2 down, another one to go(due this Friday..huhu)! Walla weii, fening2...Huhu,oke,I dunt want to talk bout the assignments...Now we talk about HARRODS! YeaY! haha..Hey, first of all,one thing about me that you guys should know, I'm not a shopaholic type..But, sometimes, going shopping is a way to light up your gloomy mood! (^_^)

As soon as I finished my Asar pray, without a well-planned thought,I went to Stepney Green tube station and started to questioned myself,"How bout going to Harrods?".Almost 7 months I've been in London but I'm not really going anywhere; Paris is an exceptional, oke. One thing for sure,I wish to visit all interesting places in London with my hubby..not only London, but to go to other Europe countries as well..Hopefully, he can come here before I going back to Malaysia this coming September..huhuhu!

From Stepney Green tube station, I went to South Kensington and took Piccadily Line to Knightsbridge. As soon as I get off from the tube, the sign shows to Harrod was noticeable. With great enthusiasm (lol),I headed for the exit to Brompton Road. Looking around, I saw a few people carrying the Harrods green shopping bag. I said to myself,"Hoh0, I'll definitely get one!"

Want to hear a true story about Harrods green shopping bag? If you requested to have another shopping bag, the answer you'll get is NO even though you buy a few different things. The staff there will try to place them, if possible, in the same bag!LoL! This is a true story that happened to my friend's auntie when she went shopping in Harrods last December!Owh Harrods, you definitely a 'something' that will be remembered for a century!!!

After sight-seeing(or window shopping should I say..hehe),I went to the Harrods store and bought a few thingy. Try to find something that is within my budget!LoL!Having said that, I bought 2 tea gift sets and several fridge magnets for my aunts and my mother-in-law. A handbag with Harrods label for my mother-in-law as well!Owh, how about my father-in-law? Hehe,I already sent him a very nice and beautiful tie from Tie-Rack.From what I heard, he will wear it each time he got a meeting with the UKM's big boss! A sign of appreciation, shall I say that?(^_^)

Now, let's have a pictorial study: An Evening in HARRODS.

**Click images to enlarge view

I've got 2 bags!Yeay, Lucky Me! hehe

D & D Memorial...

Diana & Dodi Love Story:Making Harrods more glamorous!

Yup, that's me!

Believe it!

Yo! P e A c e!

In between Egyptian Escalator: Me, the Mummy and the ala2-Matrix guy (notice him? hehehe...he's soooo obvious!!!)

On Egyptian Escalator...a quick snap!LoL!heeeexxx~~

Huhu, I swear this will NOT be my last visit to Harrods!Haha, but, I bet, next time, it will only be a window shopping!huhu...I have to save money from now!No more 'donations' to HARRODS or Oxford Street's shops or any other places that may 'magnet' my money away from me!
P/S: I guess globalisation really brings a significant impact in economy realm to be specific.I said that because you now can't really get any things; name it a t-shirt,a key chain,a handbag, a pair of shoes and many more that is made in England!Hardly to find!They all made in China, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan and even Hong Kong!Just imagine the real cost of each product and compare it with the sale price they tag here in UK!Such a huge profit they may gain!*sigh*Now you can guess, which country the handbag and fridge magnets that I bought in Harrods come from?!LoL.For God sake,I am not shy to tell you and others that my t-shirt is made in China next time when I go back to Malaysia!heeeeexxx..Moral of the story: Belilah Barang Buatan Malaysia!Tak yah nk malu2 or segan2!I'm proud to be Malaysian!Huhu


  1. I like your jacket coz I love brown...I found it stylo hehe... besnyer shopping..ureshii na..


  1. uh..btol2. sume mende made in china. egyptian thought chinese are adorable people because everything is made in china and they were like worshipping the chinese way too much.

    and they can't differentiate either someone is malay/vietnamese/ or whatever ethnic. so all asian are chinese. and everytime u pass by some jakun egyptian they will get to excited and say 'chinese! chinese!'.


  1. Reply to nuuraia:
    Cik Ct!I love brown tooooo! And blue n white as well!hehe...Total cost I'd spent: GBP70 for 2 tea gift sets n 5 fridge magnets n a Harrods handbag!Huhuhu...this time only!No more 'next time'!

    Reply to sakibakidaki:
    Owh really?Klu kt sini,jgn hrp minah or mamat putih nk pndang. They are too proud of themselves!
    Hahaha, I oso tot dat Egyptian should build the London escalator in Egypt as well!Hahaha

  1. Salaam. Hhmm money money jugak, jangan tamak haloba sudah hehe. Modesty is the best policy, just like prophet Muhammad taught us "khoirul umuuur ausatuha. Kata2 ausatuha tu la yg jadi wasatiah, asalnya wasatun iaitu TENGAH :D

    Isy7 so beautiful and charming that place in those photos. I hope you can carry it all back to Malaysia, whether by aeroplane or whatever ... hhmmm

  1. Pasal beli2 barang tu, ambe rasa setiap negara ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2 la. Seperti Malaysia pun ada kelebihannya. Ada yang lebih dari segi keseniannya. Ada yang lebih dari segi teknologinya. Ada yang dari segi rupanya. Citarasa masing2 la agaknyaa hehe.