I first being questioned by my fiance,"Are you fine there dear? Is that true that there was an earthquake in London today?". He sounded his worry towards me when I called him last night. And my quick response to him "HaaaaaaaaA ???". I was about to burst my high-pitch laugh since I never heard such thing in my life; I mean, the earthquake shakes London? But he quickly said, "I'm not sure dear because I'm too busy today and I don't have time to hear the news but, Ayah text me; he informed me about this thing and wanted to know about your condition there"
Oke, that was sound like a fact and not a fairy-tale since the news came from Ayah, my future father-in law. And for a while, I felt quite happy because Ayah quite concerned about my situation here! hehehe (shy shy cat..=p)...And so, I called my mum and dad as soon as I finished my talk with my fiance. And yeah, my mum kept asking me if I'm okay there? How was it? Did you feel anything? Was there any damages at your place? and bla bla bla...MUM ! I'm doing really fine here. Don't too much worry about me since I am being PROTECTED by your prays! It's your pray that keeps me live, healthy, happy, strong and patience here! Trillion THANKS for your DOA mak! I really, really appreciate for that mak! =D
Finished talking to my mum (I talked for about an hour and half!A usual time record..hehe), I googled to find the news about the earthquake and read the reports from the BBC. So, I figured out that it happened on Wednesday which was yesterday at about 1 am, and the magnitude recorded was around 5.3 Richter scale. That was pretty strong of earth movement! And indeed, it was the biggest earthquake magnitude that rocked the houses in London! Praise to ALLAH as well since it didn't happen in my area but I read that there was a part of East London which was also shook by the earthquake! Alhamdulillah ! Furthermore, the earthquake will shake London within 20 0r 25 years. Don't know that fact !!!
I anticipate that nothing is impossible to happen since it depends on ALLAH, The Almighty who has the true power; who decides which one is and which one isn't to crop up. Everything happens in this world is because of HIM, who consents thing to come about! And it's our duty or responsibility to ALWAYS pray to HIM and asks only the good things to be occurred in our life! And A very good reminder to you guys and to me as well is that, " Don't only close to HIM when you're facing woes !!! " Otey ?
Hai again! I've got one interesting website to share with! You probably had used it; if so, we can compare our results then! hehe...(^_*)
Do you know how many words you can type in a minute? I always want to know how fast I can type within a minute! As far as I know, sometimes, in certain application forms, there will be a question asking you how many words you can type in a minute. So, it might be useful if you try this speed test as it will give you the total words that you manage to type in one minute!
You can go to www.speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com/ to try it. It will not cost you a thing and from time to time, you could use it as a practice to increase your typing speed! As for me, I will use it to at least; refresh my brain or when I feel too sleepy as this test requires a full concentration!
Below was the result of mine. How many times I tried the test, I still can only type not more than 43 words or 219 characters in a minute! I know it's quite slow for a young lady like me! (sigh) !
This entry is dedicated to Angah, one of my old schoolmate friends back then in 90s (1990-1995)! Well, I don't know how far this will help you because I already use the New Yahoo Mail for quite a long time (since last year), and so far, it doesn't really bring any hassle for me if I want to interchange the mail classic to beta version and vice versa. So, what you can do now is that, try to follow the steps below (Click On the Image For A Better View). It will not take so much time to complete all procedures.
After you logging in, you may see the box that gives you an option to switch to new yahoo mail. Click that box. [ Incidentally,for yahoo mail users who never switch into the new yahoo mail version, there will be a case where your yahoo mail account prompts a window or a statement asks if you like to switch it to the new yahoo mail version (once you log in). So, in that case, you just need to click that new yahoo mail option. ]
Once you click, you will be redirected to a new yahoo mail account which is also known as beta version.(Look at the top arrow). That arrow shows your current status; exactly like in YM where you can change the mode; online, offline, invisible and etc. Default mode is offline, so you need to change it to online or invisible mode. Only by doing this you will be able to see who's online and who's not. Your online friends will be automatic loaded according to your available contacts friends (lower arrow).
You are free to switch it back to the old one at any time in future...=D
Nevertheless, chatting via Yahoo email is really not a favourable one. Sometimes, it's just get stuck, or your friend's message will not appear on your screen for unknown reasons. It's like "missing in action"...however, it could be a useful one rather than have nothing! Aite? =)
On the other hand, there are also other solutions that you could use to replace the YM. I don't know whether you have heard about them; meebo or ebuddy (also formerly known as e-messenger); just to name a few. They are among popular web messengers that let you access to any kind of instant messaging platforms such as YM, Google Talk and etc.
You can access these two user friendly web messengers via the links as follow:
Meebo = http://www.meebo.com/
E-messenger or ebuddy = http://www.e-messenger.net/ or www.ebuddy.com
Okie dokie! Hopefully, these info. will probably help you in anyway. The most important thing is that, even though the IT admin blocks all those chatting as well as the network community (frenster, myspace, facebook and etc) services, you can still enjoy a very cosy chat with your friends all over the world!!! Good Luck and Have fun ya Angah! (^_^)
P/S: I prefer to use the meebo rather than ebuddy but you can try to open both and experience them by yourself and let your heart decides which one you prefer most! I used meebo service back then when I worked in UTHM. As usual, most of the univs in Malaysia will block those friendster, myspace, mirc; any kind of things related with that!
Quite frustrated right?; since we gain a full 24-7 access of the internet but for some reasons, we can't use those applications (Aarrrggghhhhh)!!! But thank god, there will always be other solutions for that! YeaY !!! =D. Lastly, Don't forget to mention my name in your blog once you manage to chat with your friends later on! MuahahahahA =D
Bored and Tired...that's how I feel at the moment...I try to start writing up my two courseworks; first is for the lab report (Clinical Measurement subject) and second one is about critical review regarding two journal papers (Research & Methodology Techniques). I really struggling when it comes on writing academic reports as compare when writing an entry for my blog!..huhu...How I truly wish if I can write those academic reports just as smooth as I'm writing this entry!
I feel tired tonight because this morning I went to two places. First, I took a walk to Commercial Road to book an appointment for General Practitioner or we call it GP (at last! After being here for almost 6 months! Nida...Nida...you are really a couch potato!). And guess what, the only available slot for me is next month, 28th of March 2008, at quarter past 2 and what make it worst is that, I forget that I actually have an Ultrasound & Imaging lab at that time! Owh, what a crap!!!! So, I need to go back there and change the appointment but definitely not tomorrow as I have a full day class!
Then, I went to the eye practitioner shop near to my university campus since I intend to wear a contact lens. Unfortunately, she didn't offer a contact lens service; instead, she recommended another optician shop which was located in Bethnel Green. So, I took a bus to go there (Bus No. 309) and got-off from it at the last station. Once again, I had to walk and walk and walk until finally, I found the shop. So, I walked-in and thank god, the receptionist lady was very helpful and explained bit by bit about the whole process of getting the contact lens. So, the process listed down here are the prices that the lady had quoted for me. It's just for your general info. But really, it is not like in Malaysia where you can easily get, buy and wear it !!! (sigh)
As soon as I came back to my room (Room Sweet Room..hehe), I found out that it was really messy with the notes and clothes all over the place. Therefore, I decided to do a lil bit changes on it..As a result, here is what she looks like now...So, this is my room which I have to pay 75GBP per week...and I know, it's not as big as my other friends' room who live outside London...Otherwise, what do you expect? This is LONDON guys, everything is expensive especially the room or house rent !!! I am not affordable to get a spacious and beautiful room though how I sincerely wish to get one! Phewww, only in my dreams!!!
Hai there! It has been a week since my last post. This week, even though it was supposed to be a Reading Week, the classes were still ongoing and as usual, I was busy with the assignments especially for the Clinical Measurement subject where I will have the second presentation but this time, it will be a group presentation next Friday! Thank God that we will only have to pick one or two presenter(s) to deliver the speech. And, Nathan has became our saviour since he is the only native speaker in our group! Yeay! Thanks Nathan! =).
By the way, I came across a very good website where you can custom-made your picture to become like the one shows below. This is not the only thing that you can do with your pictures. They create a lot of user friendly tools which are able to morph the pictures to be as a calendar, motivational poster and etc. The website statistic states that to date, 4,432,277 things have been created this month! Wow! Such a huge numbers and I guess, it probably because it's free, and what you only need to do is to sign up. That's it! Curious to know what's the website address? Orait, check this out:

BUT in spite of overload works, I was really over the moon when I received a very thoughtful delivery from my sweet fiance! Hip Hip Hooray! (^_^)! He sent me a very lovely cat...ermmm, i mean card, well it doesn't matter since he sent both of them to me! hahaha (take a peek of the picture below hehe)..and a few latest pictures of him and Amirul(his youngest brother...i miss that little rascal sooo much!)..Anyway, Thanks a lot sweetie!!!
Hola !
Juz came back from Ilford! Wow, I'm soooo full rite now! Kak yus is really a good chef! She cooked a few delicious meals which could only be found in Malaysia! Kuah Lemak Rebung(bamboo shoot) and Ikan Masin Masak Pedas (Yummy yum!). Actually, she juz came back from Malaysia so she brought a lot of things that couldn't be found or rarely to find, to England.
And I am very happy right now because finally, I can eat Goreng Pisang or Pisang Goreng (I don't know which one is correct...hehe)..Goreng Pisang or Fried Banana is one of my favourite food...I tried to find the banana (not the eaten one) in shops near to my residential area but to no avail. So, I asked Kak Yus to buy it because as far as I remembered, last year, she bought it from the local shop near to her residential area. Yippie! Can't wait to fry them!
What is my plan for tomorrow ya? Huh, I suppose to do my lab report because my other classmates have already started. I also don't do anything related with my assignments today! I spent my time played with the kids, Batrisya, Danish and Darwisyh, and also watched the Malay movies; Chermin (horror movie...but actually it is not...I didn't get scared at all...and it was soooo boring..!huhu) and 9 September (romantic comedy....oke laa...Fasha Sandha is a lil bit sexy i guess...to attract more male audiences,..maybe..I dunno)..
Okie dokie...I want to get rest and...urmmm..yaa, call my fiance...hihi...
C ya!
Those colurful sticky notes (picture at left side) attached at my laptop are the list of assignments that need to be completed by 1st April 2008! Gosh! I can't say anything...just go through it one by one with a lil bit of patience and, strong will, of course! (sigh).
Forget about that one for a moment. Today is friday and that means, no class tomorrow and the next after tomorrow. Yeay! Next week is the week 7 of lecture and in the Britain's univ system, they call it as a Reading Week. Supposedly, there will be no class or lectures taking place BUT that doesn't apply to the Engineering School. From what I heard, only courses that involve lots of reading, for instance, Law or International Affair, that have been given that privilege. So, the lectures will still on going next week except for the Research and Methodology Technique class ( BUT, we have been told to complete our assignments when the class is halt (huh!)).
And tomorrow, I will visit Kak Yus and family in Ilford. Owh I really miss Bus No. 25 (Ilford - Oxford Circus)! I used to call Bus No. 25, "long bus" since it is really a long bus! It has 3 couches that can occupied more than 80 people during peak hour! That bus has been a main public transport for me to travel from my previous house to QMUL. And I really thank to Allah because I don't have to use that bus anymore. It is always full with people and that's make it difficult for you to get a sit! And travelling to home after finishing class, i tell you, it's not really a good experience! It's tiring and I really don't like being in such crowded area! huh!
okie dokie..I want to go for pray now....continue later! (^_^)
Nu Na
Sorry for the late update! Really bizi this week with the presentation and classes! (sigh) Anyway, last tuesday, I had a chat with my coursemate, Helen. We talked about so many things; starting with the presentation. She told me that I was really freaking out when Dr. Mueller said that the time left was 2 mins more...hahaha, it was really damn funny! I acted like I saw a ghost!..hahaha.. Then, we talked about academic and even dragged into personal things!
However, among those topics, the one that I interested in most was about the academic things. Helen, she is an English girl, a native speaker, done her undergraduate study in Surrey, univ of and she is working now as a biomedical engineer. And in addition to that, she is a part time student but she manage to get 70++ for Clinical & Measurement paper and Ultrasound & Imaging paper which I consider as a brilliant results!
These 2 subjects are among the difficult one, for me. The only subjects that I guess I could do better are Analogue Electronics and Digital Electronics (that's because I already gain the foundation of it). The rest are totally suck and brand new for me! Nevertheless, when I heard that she successfully manage to, at least get above 70, at some points, I anticipate that nothing is impossible to achieve!
One of my bad attitudes is that, sometimes I just easily give up. I need some time to rebuild the courage again. But, with the continuous support from my fiance, family and friends, I am able to weather the storm. And today, I am quite happy! Why? Today's afternoon, as soon as I completed my PhD Writing class, I went to the School of Engineering & Material Sciences office to collect my 2 courseworks (from 2 different subjects) which I did last semester. And guess what? Against all negative expectations, the results were came up trumps! Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah!
So, one thing for sure, NEVER GIVE UP guys! Never give up until you try it. And Try it with all genuine efforts and to the best that you could possibly do!
Yesterday, I went to several places; from Stepney Green tube station -> Gloucester Park -> Notting Hill Gate -> Marble Arch -> Edgware Road -> Whitechapel -> Used bus No. 11 (my 2 adorable legs hehe...) back to Stepney Green...Whoaaa...quite tiring actually because I didn't eat anything when I went out, only drank the plain water and yesterday, I guessed there was a tournament, Im not sure..rugby or what, it seemed like there were a lot of All Black supporters...owh crap, I really dunt know what the heck was going on yesterday?!lol! Sorry guys, I'm a lil bit backward regarding sport so I couldn't give any specific reasons for that gathering yesterday in Gloucester Park. Maybe if you check on the web, you will be able to find some info. about that (only if you are interested..I'm not!=p)
Anyway, I bought a nice leather jacket for my abah (father)..Don't ask me how much the price is; You surely say,"Are you crazy?". Well, I don't care, for me it is just a humble gift for my old abah, this jacket is nothing as to compare to what he has done for me, endured lots of hardships and pain juz to bring me up! As long as I could see his face smiling, it would be a great feeling for me indeed! =D
I juz find it difficult,on the other hand, to find a gift for my mak (mum)...She is not a fashionable women and she really doesn't like to look gorgeous! She is such a down-to-earth person...When I asked her; what she wants or what she likes? Her answer was soooo simple, "I don't want anything!" Huuuh, come to think of it, I guess all mums in this world will not say what they exactly want, if they have one, they just keep it in their heart! Such a pure heart reside in them! Owh, i really miss her sooo damn much! Hopefully, I could get something that is very very nice for her! I love u mak! I love u abah!
Nu Na
Picture Courtesy: http://sembahyang.blogspot.com/2007/06/cara-sembahyang-bagi-perempuan-gambar.html
When I w0ke up this morning for Subuh pray, I looked at myself and started to realize that "I am not getting younger anymore...". This life is a forward process. Sometimes it needs a negative feedback and occasionally, requires a positive feedback to compensate and balance the life nature.
My age is going to be 25 this year...a quarter of century...for how long i can breathe the air, to experience the life, to view such a spectacular scenery that Allah, The Almighty has created. Yet, I haven't done any good things to be presented in front of HIM...
Ya Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me...guide me to the divine path...
one of my fv vids...I do like Dayang! Love her talent, her voice..she is not so pretty like other female singers but she has that exotic look. Still, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..=p..Anyway, enjoy!
Your Birth Month is October |
![]() You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can. Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you. Your soul reflects: Gratitude, comfort, and true love Your gemstone: Tourmaline Your flower: Cosmos Your colors: White and yellow |
Incidentally, I found that today is already 5 months and 5 days I hv been engaged with HIM...and what make it more special is, today is the 5th of february...It could be more dramatic if today is 5th of May (05)..hahaha...I love numbers! =p
HOLA !!!
After experiencing several problems last semester, personally, I think this semester is going quite well for me. It is just what I have been looking for! Like the old saying; there will be a rainbow after the heavy rains. Last week was really a frenetic week for me as I started my extra classes. That is to say, the English lessons have occupied a few additional hours of my weekday timetable! My daily schedule now is quite tight but it is something that I like about my new life in this new semester as an MSc student in QMUL. =)
Last semester I was not responsive enough compared to this semester. What I mean by that is I don't do anything to improve myself though I know that I am not good at English, I am too shy to speak with my classmates and I have a problem absorbing the points as I couldn't grasp the things that my lecturers said during lecture time (I have a serious problem in listening skill =( ). On top of that, I don't even dare to open my mouth to ask the lecturer because my self-esteem has been very low ever since I came to England and all sorts of negative thoughts cloud my mind!
Even so, I don't want to be like that anymore and that's why I decided to take a few English classes such as Grammar and Vocabulary class, PhD Writing class as well as a General English class this semester. I hope it is not too late for me! After attending the classes for the first time, I found that all classes were enjoyable and I didn't feel any stress as I would face when attending the subject lectures. We were free to ask any questions and at last, I manage to ask the lecturer a question even though I have never asked any of my lecturers before this! Probably because my other classmates are all at the same level (or slightly higher than me) so I don't really feel too much embarrassment if I make any silly mistakes in my sentence. =p
The learning atmosphere in the English class really assists me to absorb information effectively. The lecturer in Grammar and Vocabulary session is very kind, my Phd writing tutor is willingly to assist me in writing a good literature review for my MSc project while my General English lecturer is helping me to eradicate all my weaknesses concerning my English usage that may appear when doing the activities in class!
Right now, I discover that after all, being a student in QMUL is really electrifying and I am thrilled to see how far I can change myself to be a much better person in academic as well as in social life! Still, only the sky is the limit! =)
Till then
Nu Na